Grateful Recovering Alcoholic

Hi! My name is Grateful Recovering Alcoholic. I also go by the names of “mom,” “nurse,” “daughter” and “sister.”

Six years ago, I was dropped off at the Wellspring Women’s House. I had lost contact with my two-year-old son, I had resigned from my career, I was homeless and I was consumed by alcoholism. I had tried IOP programs numerous times, partook in hospital detoxes, and tried different medications without avail. I was waking up every day because I had no choice other than to exist.

I learned a lot at the Women’s House but, most importantly, I learned how to spend my days living in sobriety. I learned that my emotions were not an emergency that required a substance to experience them. I learned that my brain was not always right. I developed a strong support system in the community and started working a program that has a solution. It turns out that I wasn’t as hopeless and unique as I had thought. I found my people amongst the walls of recovery and built a relationship with my higher power.

I have been working a full-time job for the last few years, spend half the week with my beautiful son, and have resumed the trusted roles of daughter and sister. For me, Wellspring’s Women’s House was the life raft that I needed. I started meeting with Dee Clark, LCPC, LADC, at the Women’s House and have continued to see her outpatient for the last six years. I am told that I have the best attendance. Did I get my life back? No. I rebuilt my life into something worth living for.  Recovery is possible. There is a solution.