207-941-1612 info@wellspringsa.org

Our Services

Get the help you need. We are here and we care.

Men & Women Residential Substance Abuse Program

Men's House

The Men’s Residential Program provides 4-6 months of trauma-informed treatment, care and support. The 15-bed house is located in Bangor, Maine. The program is designed to treat men with a history of chronic substance use and/or mental health disorders. It is dedicated to guiding men in gaining sobriety, maintaining sobriety, and building the skills needed for independent living—utilizing recovery resources and additional community services.

Detox in Maine

Detox - New Horizons

The program is dedicated to support and treat adults who are struggling with detoxing from opiates and/or alcohol. New Horizon Detox Center offers short term support (3-7 days)

Drug counseling and rehab program in Maine

Outpatient Counseling

At Wellspring Outpatient Services, counselors meet with clients individually in a confidential, client-focused setting that allows clients to look for solutions. 

Men & Women Residential Substance Abuse Program

Women's House

The Women’s Residential Program provides 4-6 months of trauma-informed treatment, care and support. The 14-bed house is located in Bangor, Maine. The program is designed to treat women with a history of chronic substance use and/or mental health disorders. It is dedicated to guiding women in gaining sobriety, maintaining sobriety, and building the skills needed for independent living—utilizing recovery resources and additional community services.

Women with children rehab program in maine

Women With Children House

Infinity House provides 4-6 months of trauma-informed treatment, care and support for women with children. The 10-bed house is located in Bangor, Maine. The program is designed to treat pregnant and parenting mothers with a history of chronic substance use and/or mental health disorders. It is dedicated to guiding mothers of children 0 to 5 years of age in gaining and maintaining sobriety and building the skills needed for independent living and parenting—utilizing recovery resources and additional community services.


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